Taki's Home Page

This website will be closed on 31th of March, 2025.

New address is Here

to Japanese/“ú–{Œê

(Last updated : October 19, 2023)
  • "Three Dimensional Motion Analysis of Hi-start Launch of Free Flight Model Gliders" was added.

  • Top Page

  • Model Airplanes
    1. Three Dimensional Motion Analysis of Hi-start Launch of Free Flight Model Gliders
  • Structural Analysis
    1. Introduction to Structural Analysis
    2. MS-Excel Speadsheet for 2-dimensional Linear Elastic Analysis Using "Solver"
    3. Example - Truss Analysis by MS-Excel
    4. Example - Bolted Joint Analysis by MS-Excel
    5. Application of MS-Excel "Solver" to Non-linear Beam Analysis
    6. Application of MS-Excel "Solver" to Buckling Analysis of Thin-Walled Structure

  • Astronomy
    1. Tools for Observation
      1. Double-sided Planisphere (updated on October 30, 2011)
      2. Taki's Star Atlas (updated on March 27, 2016)
      3. Taki's 8.5 Magnitude Star Atlas
      4. Atlas of Double Stars (updated on October 30, 2011)
      5. Index Charts for Palomar Observatory Sky Survey
      6. Figures of Apparent Orbits of Binary Stars
    2. My Telescopes
    3. Observation
      1. Comet Holmes in 2007 (Updated on November 24, 2007)
      2. Visual Observation of Deep Sky Objects (Updated on May 27, 2006)
      3. Partial Solar Eclipse on October 14, 2004
      4. Comet Hyakutake on March 27, 1996
      5. Photographs of the Moon (Updated on April 5, 2008)
    4. Telescope Making
      1. Mirror Cell Design
      2. Evaluation of Bill Kelley's Method
      3. Poor Man's Crayford Focuser
      4. One-power Aiming Device
      5. Making 8-inch Newtonian Reflector
    5. Astronomical Computing
      1. Star Chart Plot Program
      2. Sundial of Trinita dei Monti in Rome
      3. Equations for Sundial
      4. Apparent Orbit of Binary Star
      5. Equations for Pointing Telescope
      6. Matrix Method for Coordinates Transformation
      7. Can Comet Hunters Survive?
      8. "Plate" -- Finite Element Analysis Program for Plate Bending

    Please make comments to my home page. You can send e-mail toToshimi Taki.

    Release History

    (82) 81st Updated on October 19, 2023
    "Three Dimensional Motion Analysis of Hi-start Launch of Free Flight Model Gliders" was added.

    (81) 80th Updated on March 27, 2016
    - New version of Taki's Star Atlas with constellation lines based on H. A. Rey's popular book, "The Stars, A New Way to See Them" was added.

    (80) 79th Updated on January 25, 2014
    - MS-Excel template for buckling analysis of thin-walled structures were added.

    (79) 78th Updated on July 6, 2013
    - Taki's Star Atlas, Taki's 8.5 Magnitude Star Atlas and Atlas of Double Stars: PowerPoint files were added.

    (78) 77th Updated on April 10, 2013
    - Taki's Star Atlas: Improved version with constellation lines etc. was added.

    (77) 76th Updated on October 30, 2011
    - Double Star Atlas: MS-Excel files of the data of double stars were corrected.
    - Planisphere: Constellation names are added on the star maps.

    (76) 75th Updated on February 26, 2011
    - Charts 24 and 27 of Atlas of Double Stars were corrected.

    (75) 74th Updated on December 15, 2008
    - Charts of 8.5 Mag. Star Atlas with constellation lines were added.

    (74) 73rd Updated on May 31, 2008
    - Moonwatch Apogee Telescope was added.

    (73) 72nd Updated on April 5, 2008
    - A photograph of the Moon was added.

    (72) 71st Updated on March 26, 2008
    - Star Chart Plot Program was added.

    (71) 70th Updated on March 16, 2008
    - Photogarphs of the Moon were added.

    (70) 69th Updated on March 8, 2008
    - "Equations for Sundial" was added.

    (69) 68th Updated on March 2, 2008
    - "Atlas of Double Stars" was revised.

    (68) 67th Updated on December 9, 2007
    - Photographs of the Moon were added.

    (67) 66th Updated on November 24, 2007
    - Summary of Observation of Comet Holmes was added.

    (66) 65th Updated on November 17, 2007
    - Sketches of Comet Holmes were added.

    (65) 64th Updated on November 8, 2007
    - Sketches of Comet Holmes were added.

    (64) 63rd Updated on November 4, 2007
    - Sketches of Comet Holmes were added.
    - Photographs were added to "Photographs of the Moon".

    (63) 62nd Updated on October 28, 2007
    - "Comet Holmes in 2007" was added.

    (62) 61st Updated on October 27, 2007
    - "Sundial" (in Japanese) was added to "Astronominal Computing".

    (61) 60th Updated on September 29, 2007
    - Data file of "Atlas of Double Starts" was updated.

    (60) 59th Updated on September 24, 2007
    - "Atlas of Double Starts" was completed.

    (59) 58th Updated on September 23, 2007
    - Charts No.31 to 36 and Index Charts of "Atlas of Double Starts" were added.

    (58) 57th Updated on September 17, 2007
    - Charts No.19 to 30 of "Atlas of Double Starts" were added.

    (57) 56th Updated on September 9, 2007
    - Charts No.1 to 18 and data file of "Atlas of Double Starts" were added.

    (56) 55th Updated on September 5, 2007
    - Atlas of Double Stars is being uploaded.

    (55) 54th Updated on August 13, 2007
    - Errors in Charts 18, 19 and 67 of 8.5 mag. Star Atlas were corrected.

    (54) 53rd Updated on August 12, 2007
    - Index Charts for Palomar Observatory Sky Survey 1 were completed.

    (53) 52nd Updated on August 5, 2007
    - Index Charts for Palomar Observatory Sky Survey were added.

    (52) 51st Updated on July 28, 2007
    - Figures of Apparent Orbits of Binary Stars were added.

    (51) 50th Updated on July 16, 2007
    - Index Charts for Palomar Observatory Sky Survey were added.

    (50) 49th Updated on June 17, 2007
    - Photographs were added to "Photographs of the Moon".

    (49) 48th Updated on May 12, 2007
    - Charts No.2, 13, 16, 17, 18, 22, 36, 37, 40, 41, 42, 55, 56, 57, 58, 67, 78, 79, 80, 81, 91, 92, 93, 101, 102, 103 and 124 in 8.5 Magnitude Atlas were updated. Bright Nebulae were added.

    (48) 47th Updated on May 6, 2007
    - Photograph is added to "Photographs of the Moon".
    - MS-Excel speadsheet for 2-dimensional elastic analysis is added.

    (47) 46th Updated on April 12, 2007
    - Chart No.75, 99 and 122 of 8.5 Magnitude Star Atlas are corrected.

    (46) 45th Updated on March 4, 2007
    - "Structural Analysis" is added.
    - Photograph is added to "Photographs of the Moon".

    (45) 44th Updated on February 10, 2007
    - Photographs are added to "Photographs of the Moon".

    (44) 43rd Updated on January 21, 2007
    - "Calculation of Apperant Orbit of Binary Star" is added.

    (43) 42nd Updated on January 2, 2007
    - Start making Japanese version.

    (42) 41st Updated on January 1, 2007
    - Photographs are added to "Photographs of the Moon". - Charts No.34 and 35 of 8.5 Magnitude Star Atlas are revised.

    (41) 40th Updated on October 22, 2006
    - "Photographs of the Moon" is added.

    (40) 39th Updated on September 3, 2006
    - Star test result of 8" reflector is added.

    (39) 38th Updated on August 14, 2006
    - Charts No.122 to No.146 of Taki's 8.5 Magnitude Star Atlas are revised. Many variable stars are added and labeled.

    (38) 37th Updated on August 6, 2006
    - Charts No.98 to No.121 of Taki's 8.5 Magnitude Star Atlas are revised. Many variable stars are added and labeled.

    (37) 36th Updated on July 27, 2006
    - Charts No.74 to No.97 of Taki's 8.5 Magnitude Star Atlas are revised. Many variable stars are added and labeled.
    - Sketch of Comet Hyakutake is added.

    (36) 35th Updated on July 16, 2006
    - Charts No.1 to No.73 of Taki's 8.5 Magnitude Star Atlas are revised. Many variable stars are added and labeled.

    (35) 34th Updated on May 28, 2006
    - Sketches of M51 and NGC4244 are added. Position of labels of objects in Taki's 8.5 Magnitude Star Atlas are adjuested. Position of M24 is corrected in chart No.91.

    (34) 33rd Updated on May 5, 2006
    - Index Charts for Taki's 8.5 Magnitude Star Atlas are added.

    (33) 32nd Updated on January 8, 2006
    - Taki's 8.5 Magnitude Star Atlas, Manual is added.

    (32) 31st Updated on December 26, 2005
    - Taki's 8.5 Magnitude Star Atlas, Deep Sky Object List is completed.

    (31) 30th Updated on December 22, 2005
    - Taki's 8.5 Magnitude Star Atlas, Charts 134 to 146 are uploaded.

    (30) 29th Updated on November 27, 2005
    - Taki's 8.5 Magnitude Star Atlas, Charts 122 to 133 and A1 to A3 are uploaded.

    (29) 28th Updated on November 20, 2005
    - Taki's 8.5 Magnitude Star Atlas, Charts 110 to 121 are uploaded.

    (28) 27th Updated on October 29, 2005
    - Taki's 8.5 Magnitude Star Atlas, Charts 98 to 109 are uploaded.

    (27) 26th Updated on October 23, 2005
    - Taki's 8.5 Magnitude Star Atlas, Charts 86 to 97 are uploaded.

    (26) 25th Updated on October 22, 2005
    - Taki's 8.5 Magnitude Star Atlas, Charts 62 to 85 are uploaded.

    (25) 24th Updated on October 15, 2005
    - Taki's 8.5 Magnitude Star Atlas, Charts 50 to 61 are uploaded.

    (24) 23rd Updated on October 9, 2005
    - Taki's 8.5 Magnitude Star Atlas, Charts 14 to 49 are uploaded.

    (23) 22nd Updated on October 5, 2005
    - Taki's 8.5 Magnitude Star Atlas is added. Charts 1 to 13 are uploaded.

    (22) 21st Updated on April 23, 2005
    - Sketch of NGC4565 is added.

    (21) 20th Updated on February 5, 2005
    - Chart of Virgo Galaxy Cluster is added.

    (20) 19th Updated on January 29, 2005
    - "Taki's Star Atlas" is completed.

    (19) 18th Updated on October 18, 2004
    - "Partial Solar Eclipse on October 14, 2004" is added. Scketches of deep sky objects were added.

    (18) 17th Updated on September 9, 2004
    - "'Plate' -- Finite Element Analysis Program for Plate Bending" is added.

    (17) 16th Updated on September 4, 2004
    - "Visual Observation of Deep Sky Objects" is revised.

    (16) 15th Updated on August 29, 2004
    - "Visual Observation of Deep Sky Objects" is added.

    (15) 14th Updated on April 3, 2004
    - "Can Comet Hunters Survive" is added.
    - mount_error.xls is revised.

    (14) 13th Updated on March 17, 2004

    (13) 12th Updated on January 24, 2004

    (12) 11th Updated on January 1, 2004

    (11) 10th Updated on November 22, 2003
    - "Mirror Cell Design" is added.
    - "Matrix Method for Coordinates Transformation" is revised.

    (10) 9th Updated on November 15, 2003
    - "Making 8-inch Newtonian Reflector" is revised.
    - "One-power Aiming Device" is added.

    (9) 8th Updated on November 8, 2003
    - "Making 8-inch Newtonian Reflector" is revised.

    (8) 7th Updated on November 2, 2003
    - Photographs of crayford focuser are added in "Poor Man's Crayford Focuer".
    - "Making 8-inch Newtonian Reflector" is added.

    (7) 6th Updated on January 11, 2003
    - More covers are added in "Double-sided Planisphere".
    - "Matrix Method for Coordinates Transformation" is revised.

    (6) 5th Updated on January 5, 2003
    - "Double-sided Planisphere" is added.

    (5) 4th Updated on December 23, 2002
    - "Matrix Method for Coordinates Transformation" is revised.
    - "Poor Man's Crayford Focuser" is added.

    (4) 3rd Updated on February 17, 2002
    - "Matrix Method for Coordinates Transformation" is revised.
    - Errors are being corrected.
    - Photographs of my telescope are added.

    (3) 2nd Updated on January 13, 2002
    - "Equations for Pointing Telescope" is revised.
    - "Matrix Method for Coordinates Transformation" is added.

    (2) 1st Updated on May 8, 2001

    (1) Released on May 3, 2001