NGC4565 (Caldwell 38)
- Type: Galaxy
- Class: Sb
- Position: 12h36.3m +25 59'
- Constelleation: Com
- Magnitude: 9.6
- Size: 14.9' x 2.0'
- Date: April 16, 2005 23:45-25:00 JST
- Location: Hakusan-jinja, Shirakawa-cho, Gifu
- Telescope: 8-inch f/6.1 Newtonian on Dobsonian Mount
- Eyepieces: Super Plossl 9.7mm (128x), Wide Filed 15mm (82x)
- Faintest Star at Northern Polar Field: 13.8 (193x)
- Note: Stars up to 12 mag. were plotted by "Hallo Northern Sky". Faint stars around the galaxy were added in the drawing. North is up.
This galaxy is a very easy target. The central buldge is bright. I could not see the dark lane.