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Star Chart Plot Program

Written by Toshimi Taki
March 26, 2008


gStar Chart Plot Programh is designed for making star charts to be printed on paper. It was used to make gTakifs Star Atlash, gTakifs 8.5 Magnitude Star Atlash and gAtlas of Double Starsh. The program and the example data file for Atlas of Double Stars are available below.


The program has the following features.

User can define:
- Paper size
- Chart scale
- Right ascension/declination grid plot
- Stars and their labels
- Diameter scale of star symbols
- Deep sky objects and their labels
- Constellation border plot
- Ecliptic line plot
- Galactic equator plot

The chart is editable manually.
The labels can be adjusted manually.
Projection method is modified transverse Mercator projection only.

Download User's Manual Click here to download "manual_star_chart_plt.pdf" (135KB) in pdf file.

Download MS-Excel File for Input Data Click here to download "data.xls" (2,880KB)

Download MS-PowerPoint File for Input Data Click here to download "star_chart_template.ppt" (458KB)

Download MS-PowerPoint File for Input Data Click here to download "star_chart_template_south.ppt" (481KB)

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