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12.5inch Dobsonian, CAD 12.5
(CAD stands for Computer Aided Dobsonian)

to Japanese/“ú–{Œê‚Ö

Specification of CAD 12.5

Primary Mirror:		Diameter=12.5inch, Focal Length=76.3inch, f/6.0
			Manufactured by Coulter Optical Co.
			Surface Error: 0.090 wave (measured by T. Taki on January 1, 1994)

Diagonal Mirror:	Minor Axis=2.14inch
			Manufactured by LUMICON

Tube Assembly:		Serrurier Truss Type

Mount:			Dobsonian Mount with Azimuth and Altitude Setting Circles
			Aiming accuracy by pointing program "TAKI.BAS" is 0.1 degree.

Date of First Light:	February 5, 1990. The mount was modified in July, 1993.


	Eyepiece	Apparent Field	Magnification	Actual Field
	LV 5mm		45deg		388x		7.0'
	Or 7mm		45deg		277x		9.7'
	K 12mm		42deg		162x		16'
	WF 15mm		65deg		129x		30'
	K 25mm		42deg		78x		32'
	K 27mm		50deg		72x		42'

Detail of Setting Circles

Horizontal setting circle is made of a tape measure wrapped around a circular base.

Altitude setting circle is attached to the altitude bearing disk and has a vernier to read 0.1 degree.

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